Test and Measurements

1. A __________ operates on the magnetic attraction-repulsion principles

  1. Spectrum analyzer
  2. Oscilloscope
  3. Field strength meter
  4. Milliameter

Correct answer: (D)

2. A certain pulse measures 10ms and has a period of 50ms. The duty cycle is

  1. 20%
  2. 10%
  3. 5%
  4. 100%

Correct answer: (A)

3. A common technique for measuring power at high frequency is to

  1. employ high power meter
  2. use microwave meters
  3. employ a sensing element that converts the RF power to a measurable dc or low- frequency signal
  4. use thermocouple

Correct answer: (C)
employ a sensing element that converts the RF power to a measurable dc or low- frequency signal

4. A dynamometer instrument is mainly used as a /an

  1. dc ammeter
  2. wattmeter
  3. dc voltmeter
  4. ohmmeter

Correct answer: (B)

5. A galvanometer with a 20 n coil resistance has a full-scale deflection of 10mA. A 0.02 n is placed across the meter to increase its rating capacity. What is the new full-scale current foe the meter?

  1. 1.01A
  2. 100.1A
  3. 10.10A
  4. l0.0lA

Correct answer: (D)

6. A material that glows when struck by the energetic electrons in a CRT.

  1. Aquadag
  2. Silicon
  3. Germanium
  4. Phosphor

Correct answer: (D)

7. A moving force in analog instruments which ensures that the deflection of the pointer for a given value of measured quantity always has the same value.

  1. Damping force
  2. Controlling force
  3. NRZ force
  4. Deflecting force

Correct answer: (B)
Controlling force

8. A moving system force in analog instruments which causes the moving system to deflect from its zero position.

  1. Deflecting force
  2. Damping force
  3. Return-to-zero force
  4. Controlling force

Correct answer: (A)
Deflecting force

9. A pattern displayed by oscilloscopes which has a steady characteristic is called

  1. Lissajous
  2. Nyquist pattern
  3. Barkhausen's criterian
  4. Fermat's pattern

Correct answer: (A)

10. A sensing element that provides a dc voltage less than 10 mV with typical power range of 0.1 to 100 mW.

  1. Thermal converters
  2. Thermal sensors
  3. Thermocouple sensors
  4. Diode sensors

Correct answer: (A)
Thermal converters

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