
11. According to Avogadro's Hypothesis

  1. the molecular weights of all the perfect gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of pressure and temperature
  2. the sum of partial pressure of mixture of two gases is sum of the two
  3. product of the gas constant and the molecular weight of an ideal gas is constant
  4. gases have two values of specific heat
  5. all systems can be regarded as closed systems.

Correct answer: (A)
the molecular weights of all the perfect gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of pressure and temperature

12. According to Avogadro's law, for a given pressure and temperature, each molecule of a gas

  1. occupies volume proportional to its molecular weight
  2. occupies volume proportional to its specific weight
  3. occupies volume inversely proportional to its molecular weight
  4. occupies volume inversely proportional to its specific weight
  5. occupies same volume.

Correct answer: (E)
occupies same volume.

13. According to Clausis statement of second law of thermodynamics

  1. heat can't be transferred from low temperature source to high temperature source
  2. heat can be transferred for low temperature to high temperature source by using refrigeration cycle.
  3. heat can be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source if COP of process is more than unity
  4. heat can't be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source without the aid of external energy
  5. all of the above.

Correct answer: (D)
heat can't be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source without the aid of external energy

14. According to Dalton's law, the total pres sure of the mixture of gases is equal to

  1. greater of the partial pressures of all
  2. average of the partial pressures of all
  3. sum of the partial pressures of all
  4. sum of the partial pressures of all divided by average molecular weight
  5. atmospheric pressure.

Correct answer: (C)
sum of the partial pressures of all

15. According to first law of thermodynamics

  1. work done by a system is equal to heat transferred by the system
  2. total internal energy of a system during a process remains constant
  3. internal energy, enthalpy and entropy during a process remain constant
  4. total energy of a system remains constant
  5. entropy of a system remains constant.

Correct answer: (D)
total energy of a system remains constant

16. According to Gay-Lussac law for a perfect gas, the absolute pressure of given mass varies directly as

  1. temperature
  2. absolute
  3. absolute temperature, if volume is kept constant
  4. volume, if temperature is kept constant
  5. remains constant,if volume and temperature are kept constant.

Correct answer: (C)
absolute temperature, if volume is kept constant

17. According to kinetic theory of gases, the absolute zero temperature is attained when

  1. volume of the gas is zero
  2. pressure of the gas is zero
  3. kinetic energy of the molecules is zero
  4. specific heat of gas is zero
  5. mass is zero.

Correct answer: (C)
kinetic energy of the molecules is zero

18. According to which law, all perfect gases change in volume by l/273th of their original volume at 0°C for every 1°C change in temperature when pressure remains constant

  1. Joule's law
  2. Boyle's law
  3. Regnault's law
  4. Gay-Lussac law
  5. Charles' law.

Correct answer: (E)
Charles' law.

19. Addition of heat at constant pressure to a gas results in

  1. raising its temperature
  2. raising its pressure
  3. raising its volume
  4. raising its temperature and doing external work
  5. doing external work.

Correct answer: (D)
raising its temperature and doing external work

20. An actual engine is to be designed having same efficiency as the Carnot cycle. Such a proposition is

  1. feasible
  2. impossible
  3. possible
  4. possible, but with lot of sophistications
  5. desirable.

Correct answer: (D)
possible, but with lot of sophistications

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